Awww the smell of seaweed baking in the sun, the taste of salt on your lips, the calling of seagulls over head, the crashing of waves, and the fear of vomiting at any second.
Deep Sea Fishing.
We saw a shark...well just its fin but still it was a shark and that was exciting.
Matt had a great time and caught haddock, cod, dog fish, and a wolf fish. The Wolf fish had teeth and we were told it could easily bite off your fingers and toes. He had a bad attitude as well. We gave the wolf fish away to another fisher who really wanted to taste it but had never been able to catch one.
I was only able to catch one huge haddock and about 10 or more dog fish. Some of the dog fish were over 3 feet long and very feisty! It was disappointing to reed in over 250 feet of line and only get a dog fish but neat to see how many sizes they came in.
The crew and captain were very nice and helpful. They were true fishermen complete with Boston accents and sun bleached clothes. They filleted all our fish for us and took the fish off our hooks if we did not want to do it. Which I took advantage of. :)
I thought it was very neat how the crew would take these 12 foot poles and hook the large fish right out of the water and never miss. I probably would have put a hole in the side of the boat trying to get my fish. That or dropped the whole rod in the ocean.
It was a wonderful day, a big Thanks to Tri-City Scaffold for taking us on the Company trip! Wes and I tried a fillet of fish for lunch today and we both really liked it. Can't wait to go fishing again.
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