Felicity is turning 4! She has never had a big Birthday party so this year I started planning ahead of time to make this Birthday extra special. I had a few different ideas but a dress up tea party seemed to be a perfect fit for my little Peanut. At her request no little boys besides her brothers and baby cousin were in attendance.
My sister Brittany bought Felicity a new "Belle" princess dress. We got it in the mail awhile before the party and had to put it up so that it would stay beautiful. Felicity asked often if she could "Pllleeeease" have her belle dress and crown. I felt bad keeping it from her but it was worth it. She added a broken vale from another dress so she could have "tangled hair" (Rapunzel hair) under her crown to complete her Birthday costume.
We were able to use the photography studio that I work at for the party. It is such a fantastic studio and worked perfectly for our little tea party.
My mom, brother Zach and sister Kirstie were able to drive up from PA to spend the weekend with us and help celebrate. It was great to see them again and to have them here to have fun with the kids!
I was running way late with the final set up of everything so I didn't get any pre-party photos but everything really looked sweet. There were little tables and chairs with tea sets and a pretty pennant banner hanging across the whole front of the room.
It was so cute watching all the other little girls watching Felicity open her gifts. They were all so intent and concentrated on watching to see what was inside each package. Felicity got alittle over excited and started tossing things a bit but otherwise it was just a cutest thing.
Wesley sat by his sister's side almost the entire time. He said he was her Prince. He can be such a sweetie. He did however eventually get bored of just being a present watcher and told me that "opening presents is the best part of a birthday party and it is not fun since he can't open any." Poor guy.
Charlie busied himself licking the frosting off of the cupcakes and rearranging the furniture. He even got into dressing up and wore his Halloween custom from earlier this year.
By the end of the party however Charlie was exhausted! He went from running around like a tornado to bailing his eyes out to running to crying to running to crying, you get the idea. Matt and my siblings took the kids home so we could clean up without all the kids and their sugar highs.
But back to the little girl that inspired her party and her unconventional tea sipping ways.

Seeing all the kids with their real tea cups sent in from Texas thanks to my sister Brittany was so sweet. They had tea, iced tea and pink lemonade to sip. There were also cookies, tea sandwiches, cupcake, popcorn and fruit salad to fill there little bellies.
The dress up corner was definately a favorite spot, all the little girls got tea party gloves thanks the Target's super dollar section and there were a few pairs of Princess high heels for them to take turns falling walking in.
I was able to get most the the girls together for a little shot. Aren't they just the cutest?!
I think that it was a super sweet girlie party and that is exactly what I hoped to give my super sweet and girlie Peanut for her 4th Birthday!
Wesley may have ended up getting bored and may have asked to play on my phone instead of playing with the new Lala Loopsie dolls but Felicity had a blast from start to finish.
Matt and I were very please with the whole day and were beyond happy to be able to make this special day happen for our little girl. She is such a little blessing to our family. I am looking forward to making her official birthday (tomorrow) a special one as well with her favorite meals and a trip to the store to pick out something special with her Birthday money she received as gifts.
Happy 4th Birthday Sweet girl.
1 comment:
So, so sweet! The pictures are adorable :)
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