

My name is Lindsay; I am the oldest of five children, daughter of a great mom, wife to Matthew, mommy to three spunky kids, aspiring photographer and a child of the King. I love photography and try to learn as much about it as I can.  Crafting and spending time outdoors are also some of my favorite past times. 
I spend most days being a mom and wife.  It's a full time job, a hard job but one that I have spent my entire life practicing for.  The piles of laundry, dishes and toys can be overwhelming at times but the memories I have with my child are worth every moment!  I also clean a couple houses and babysit a few days a week.  This gives me a little quiet time and extra money as well as giving my kids time to play with their buddies.

Matt and I were married in October of 2005.  It was a terribly rainy day, our outdoor reception had ankle deep water running through it and people changed into barn boots, jackets and hats.  Many things went not as planned but it was memorable nonetheless and we were happy to be married.

Three short months later we learned we were going to be parents.  After 8 months of vomiting and sever heart burn Wesley burst into our lives and we were forever changed not to mention completely and utterly in love with our drooling darling.  From day one this little guy  kept us moving, he is a busy character, one of a kind, a challenge and a sweet heart.  He says the craziest things,  does dangerous stunts, talks nonstop and has an amazing memory.  He's a leader and very strong willed but willing to help, full of life and has never met someone who he does not instantly call his friend.

Two and a half years later we welcomed a much calmer more relaxed Felicity into your family.  Her mellow snugly personality was a pleasant surprise.  She did things in her own time and wouldn't be pushed into walking, crawling or talking.  She has a tough, I mean business side to her when she needs it and can take care of herself when she plays with the big boys. She is all things girly but loves to get dirty and find bugs with her brother, while wearing pretty bows in her hair.  She is tender with her babies and tucks their into bed with her almost every night.

This past July we welcomed our newest member Charlie.  He is a little sweet heart and a very easy smiler.  He's not my easiest baby nor my hardest.  He has a slightly different but absolutely adorable look than his older siblings.  He is strong and wiry like Wesley but loves to cuddle like Felicity.

Our family also includes some feathered members.  We have three pekin ducks; Love Duck, Donald and Daisy (original I know) and three hens, Ruby, Hattie, and Hannah.  They not only leave us piles of poop in the grass but fresh eggs every morning.  We love our feathered friends and look forward to possible ducklings this spring.

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