
Two Months Old

It is amazing to me that you have been in my arms for two months already and at the same time hard to believe you were not always there.

At this moment you are sound to sleep in your sling, snuggled up on my chest, it's your favorite place to be and one of the only ways I can calm you at times.   

 Your second month is a stark difference from your first.  You are now awake and try your hardest to stay that way.  You coo and goo, squeal and grunt to anyone who is willing to give you a smile. 

You are strong just like your brother Wes. You love to stand on Mommy's hands and look over my shoulder.  
You only like to be cradled in the sling or moments before you fall to sleep.  The world is much too exciting for you to just cuddle.

 You have decided that sleeping in the car is only possible when the vehicle is moving, that your siblings are great distractions while Mommy finishes a task before feeding you and that your tummy is the only way you will sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. 

 You smile and squirm when we talk sweetly to you and stick out your bottom lip and cry when some one hollers or yells.  Your smile is about the best double dimpled smile around!  Your coos and baby babble are sweet and contagious as your older siblings mimic you and try to make out what words you are trying to say.

 You have officially out grown all your newborn and 0-3 month clothes.  You are long and lean weighing in at 11 pounds and 23 1/2 inches long. 

 You spit up often and need your clothes changed 3 or 4 times a day.  Wes is quite disgusted by all the "pukes" and often runs away as you spit, but will wipe off Mommy's back if asked to.

These past two months have been exhausting and full of family members meeting and falling in love with you.  Every minute with you is a good one, even those long tired minutes in the middle of the night.  God has blessed us more than expected with you.  You are so loved!


Kristi said...

I can't believe he is already two months old. How time flies.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! 2 months already? Adorable photos.

Holly said...


faith ann raider said...

Awwww - these are SO cute!!!! :) Your little guy and mine are SO close in age. LOVE these photos. I agree - it's such a mix of "weren't you born like, yesterday - why are you so big?!" and "when have you not been here?" love love love :)

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