
Oh Christmas Tree

Cutting down our very own Christmas tree is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. We have bought two pre-cut trees and they drop their needles much faster and picking them out is not nearly as fun. This year we went to a little local lot and in under 1o minutes were flopping our tree in the trailer to bring home. But I am getting ahead of myself...back to finding our tree.

It was easy to find, you could easily see if from the road. It stood well above all the other trees. We were advised by the owner of the lot to try the old over grown lot of trees because it was much closer to the road. This particular lot had huge over grown trees that were easily as tall as our house.

Matt decided to lop the top of one of these monsters off. The owner had given us the ok to do so. Up the tree he scurried, that is after he nearly fell because the branch he was standing on snapped. He cut down the top ten feet or so off and dragged it to the car.

I of course had to stop him and try to snap a family photo. Which I might say is not the easiest thing to do with a huge winter jacket and baby wrap on.

Once home we had to cut a good three feet or more off and trim it some but I think it make a very unique and beautiful tree.

We hung all our special ornaments on it, put on the flashing white lights and the sparkling colored ones, hung the shine balls and twirling icicles. More importantly for the very first time we hung Felicity’s tiny ceramic pink booties, we bought at a great country store not far from here.

Aww…it’s being to look a lot like Christmas and I can hardly wait!

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