
Not Me Monday

It's a bird!  It's a bat!  It's a rat!  It's Zoe the Sugar Glider!
And in this edition of Not Me Monday, she did not pee and poop on me!

 This is a blogger carnival started by Mckmama.  Get over to her site and check it out :)

Oh little Zoe, my sister Brittany's baby Sugar Glider.  She weighs only 2 ounces and  if and only if she had peed on me, I would be able to tell you that at least an ounce of that is pee.  Yep that would be really gross so I am very ahem relieved (pune intended) to tell you that this flying rodent, (Please don't tell Britt I called her baby a rodent! ) did not pee on me and then moments later poo as well.  I only asked to hold her for a minute and she would never go potty on me and all 13 relatives would not just stand there and laugh if she had decided to!

When would something like this not happen?  Certainly not when we were playing this game.  I would never play a game with mini men's undergarments while letting a mini marsupial crawl on me!

I did however play and loose miserably at this game!

Is there a doctor is the house?  Kirstie would never dress up as a doctor while playing games and watching an Australian flying Squirrel pee on me!  She loves me and would never do such a thing.   She would not take away her 3 year old nephew's brand new Christmas gift and wear them while eating whipped cream and a cherry. 

Not even at Christmas would she and our younger sister eat a plate of whipped cream and a lone cherry!  We always eat pie with our cream. :)

Christmas was fun but I am so very thankful that my sister did not bring her badger looking squirrel from Georgia just so she could pee on me!  More on Christmas to come....later....


Heather said...

I would not want to hold that thing! :p

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Yeah I wouldn't hold that creature either. Love your photos in your most recent post too.

2010 in 2010 said...

What a fun Christmas you had! I would totally never eat whipped cream without pie ;)

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