
Splish Splash

 Splish splash and a Rub a dub dub

 Charlie's in the sink tub.

 This little boy loves tub time now that he can sit up well.

 The floor was wetter than ever tonight!  I had to let most of the water out to keep the waterfall down the cupboard to a minimum. 

 He was splashing and splashing and splashing, then he would look at me with surprise when he splashed himself in the face.  Silly boy.

 Oh and today is an extra special day because I noticed that his two bottom teeth have broken through!  I can't believe that tomorrow my baby is going to be 6 months old tomorrow has two teeth and is old enough to sit alone in the sink!

 Love you Charlie.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Too cute!! 6 months went by so fast!

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