
To the moon

 I just love these munchkins to the moon and back a bazillion times.

Even when I'm so tired that I can't talk right,

when I smell like spit up,

when I'm holding puke and pee soaked clothes and its not all from the newborn,

when all three are happily sitting together long enough for my to capture a memory to remember how short of a time I will be a puke covered sleep deprived Mommy to three small and incredibly adorable children.


Ashley Sisk said...

These are such sweet shots -I especially love the last one.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I love these. That last one is great.

Mrs. Frogster said...

well how could you not with faces like those? :) Sometimes I am amazed at all the love I still have for my littles, even after a really tough day. I am eager to see how adding #4 in December will be.

Christina said...

They are such beautiful children! They grow way too fast. :(

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