

 Charlie is 2 1/2 weeks old already and I am beginning to feel bad that I have not posted more photos of him or about life since he made his speedy arrival.  I started to write his birth post but  have not been able to finish it yet.  My sweet baby is a hungry boy and not a great nurser which means I spend hours and hours a day sitting and nursing him.  The other two would nurse easily but Charlie requires two hands and all my attention so I don't have much time to use the computer.  I don't mind much though, it gives me plenty of time to look at and cherish all his sweetness.

 These photos happened on accident and I am so glad that they did!  I was photographing Charlie for his birth announcement and the older two were running around the yard while Kirstie  (my visiting sister from Texas) and my mom devoted our attention to Charlie.  When we walked out in the field to my favorite box, the kids followed and I quickly removed Wes' dirty shirt and could not be happier with the photos that followed.

I can see so clearly see the curiosity and love in Wesley's face as he snuggles his little brother.   I'm always impressed with how well Wesley does when he gets a new sibling.  He instantly loves and accepts them and cares and worries about them as if they were always a part of the family.

  Both kids have done so well with Charlie!  Felicity was not overly thrilled when she visited in the hospital and protested me nursing Charlie the first two days home.  She has since adjusted and often sits right next to me while I feed Charlie now.  She and Wesley dote on Charlie and cover him in kisses through out the day.  Felicity likes to snuggle and hold Charlie and if not watched closely will try to pick him up. 

 Charlie seems to be a combination of Wes and Felicity.  He is not as alert or needy as Wesley was or as calm and content as Felicity.  He enjoys being held in both a wrap and a sling like Felicity but hate having his hands swaddled like Wes.  His appetite is very much like Wes' (he eats a lot) but can be persuaded to wait a little while with a binki like his sister.  I am amazed that Matt and I can make three different children that are so much alike and so very different. 

 I am so in love with our newest family member and how he made us into a family of five!  I love watching the children interact with each other and see their expressions as they watch Charlie squiggle and groan.  I love how Charlie has made Felicity a big sister and how she just loves her new role.  I'm amazed how big she now seems and pleasantly surprised that she still snuggles and cuddles with me just as much as before Charlie arrived.  I am just so blessed to have big kids how want to help and get diapers, pacifiers, and burp clothes for me, who help out and enjoy their little brother.

God has really truly blessed us with all three of our children!  They are healthy, full of life and beautiful.  Matt and I are very thankful and blessed.


Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

You are blessed! Those pictures are amazing. It is such a gift from God to watch our children interact and grow with each other.

Sit in this beautiful time.


Ashley Sisk said...

What a great moment you've captured...that next to last shot with the laugh is wonderful. So great.

Margo said...

Congratulations to all of you! These pictures are amazing--beautiful job.

Kate said...

Congrats! When was he born? my little nephew is 2 1/2 weeks old too! Beautiful pictures!

In our sea of love

Mrs. Frogster said...

aww these are precious pictures! and if I didn't say it before, congratulations! he is adorable!
it is amazing how different each child can be! I remember being pregnant with our third and wondering what kind of personality he would have, after having two very different personalities before him. And now in a few months we are adding number four! LIfe is good crazy!

Rachel~Wildflower Photography Studio and Wildflower Creative said...

oh mercy...these photos are absolutely precious! :)

Heather said...

So sweet! Love the last one. :)

Jenilee said...

wow... those are some gorgeous pictures!!! what a beautiful family!

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